๐Ÿฐ Bunny Quest

 2D video game 


This is my first videogame ever!

It's a Simple level of a 2D platformer video game made in Construct 3 Free version, which is a game engine that compiles logic based events.

All the assets used in the project are royalty free, modified or purchased, except for the Playable character Bunny (Concept, puppet, animation, icons, designed by myself).

I also wanted to apply features such as a Parallax background effect and touch controls in order to test they playability in mobile but I was a little limited by the free version tool. I had a lot of fun and learning experience through the process.

  • Player's movement
  • State control system
  • Carrot collectibles system
  • Player's life system
  • Weapon select system
  • AI for enemies
  • Pause and reset controls

Image: screenshot of the gameplay.


-Attack heavy (Z)
-Attack Light (X)
-Magic Attack (C)
-Jump and double jump (up arrow)
-Move-Walk (left and right)
-Run (space while moving)
-Die (when Player HP reaches to 0)
*Player UI faces: (in left up corner)
-Angry state and regular State (default)
-Happy and blink state (when player gets a life)
-Dead State (when player HP reaches to 0)

*Music added: Background music, FX music, UI sounds, animations, etc
*GUI implementation: pause, play and reset game.
Assets credits to:
*Skeleton animations by Irina Mir (irmirx)
*Background, etc by Kenney Assets pack

presented by: Fernando Lerena 

(Web browser version)


Design process:

I usually start by making a list of tasks or features that I would like to include, then I gather a group of images or assets that could be helpful for future references.

1) Define goals and specifications. i.e.: The player needs to move (left, right and jump) as a platformer.

2) Make the logic. i.e.: When left or right key is pressed the player moves.

3) Asset Design: In this step I have designed the character sketched in hand and painted in Photoshop, then the animations were made in Dragon Bones (similar to Spine but open source).

4) Assemble: I've attached the logic to the animations, i.e.: When the player is moving play "walk" animation.

5) Test and refine. Iterate. Start with the next task.



Test moves

Naming convention

Bunny character animations:

Iddle_1 Animation

Iddle_2 Animation

Walking Animation

Walking Animation

More to come!

I'm working on the creation and animation of new characters and additions for this game!
I will restructure the whole game so it can be played in mobile.
Stay tuned ๐Ÿ˜‰

I hope you like my project Bunny Quest!

Before you go

Don't forget to check out my other profiles.

Industrial Design

Check this!

UX / UI & Web


General Design

And this!

Thank you !

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